Welcome back. So after you’ve signed up to join, which ensures you’ll stay connected and get all of the latest news and updates – what’s next?

Start a 2o3 Group

It is easy! First of all, discover which mountain you are a part of. Are you in business or education or family, etc.? Then choose at least 1 or 2 others to join you weekly. Choose a place and a time to gather for 30 minutes to an hour… not too long so it is not a burden.

Discuss the issues of the mountain that need to change. Talk about those at the top of the mountain who carry great influence. How can God change and help those people? How can you pray for them? Perhaps it is your boss and he needs wisdom making decisions.

What songs and scriptures has the Lord shown you this week? Share them.

Learn more about prayer and how to ask the Lord for His help. As you pray more, you will mature in this discipline.

Learn More

Please read the foundational understandings and then look up the verses and discuss these ideas with your group. As you share new truths with others, you will learn from each other. Please know we do not have all the answers and so there is so much more to learn as we all grow in our walk with God.

Go to Resources and read the excellent books listed. These authors have changed how we consider prayer and have commissioned us to build this Alliance. We have a responsibility to pray for the welfare of our cities and God will help us.

Join us for training. Tuesday nights with Charlie Lujan and the last Saturday of the month in June with Barb Bucklin, HOPE Prayer Room. Saturday Morning in Fall 2019 for a time where you can receive more training and help in setting up and maintaining a 2o3 group.

The Leadership Team is willing to come and share with your groups. Please contact us and set up a time to learn and be inspired.

Attend the Transform Our World Conference in Monterrey CA in October 2019 with Ed Silvoso and many international speakers. Listen to how the Ekklesia is sharing Christ in the nations.


Go to the FB page and join the 2o3 Alliance. You will be able to read some great stories and also share what is happening in your group. Please hold confidences and keep names anonymous as appropriate. If you are struggling, let us know and someone online may offer suggestions.

We place a high value on relationships so take every opportunity to attend a training or a gathering with others in the Alliance. We will post dates and times of any meetings or training camps.